So life has gotten busy since I last posted... strangely, this is a good thing. My "health" has been generally unremarkable, wow huh? I had a basic scan and blood test in May and all was well. The only thing that has changed in the last year was
a reduction of my thyroid med level (yes, still suppressed). As a result, I have struggled with a slower than "normal" movements and reduced appetite; perhaps the endoscopy and colonoscopy in October will shed some light on the last few odd months. Otherwise, all is well.
Have I said that I am actually happy to talk with folks about my illness? Well, may happy isn't the right phrase, more like comfortable. After 5+ years, there is no embarrassing stigma behind having cancer that I cannot overcome by simply talking about the steps and conditions that I endure to get here today. It isn't exactly a badge of honor; however, in the same way a purple heart awardy doesn't care to be identified as a victim, I have embraced my status and continuously look to use the experience assuring others that yes it is possible to become more than survivors... Thank God, I am a thriver.
When was the last time that you just lived? Over the summer my family and I jumped from platforms and hung-out on cables. We glided on ropes over lakes and climbed trees. It was the most fun I had in a while. The day was rainy, but the smiles melted the dreariness of the we clothes. My boys will never forget the zip lines and I won't soon forget the freedom of God's gentle tug at my heart to see life again. I say dance despite the rain!