Surgery day came and went. I had the right side of my thyroid removed. I was healing and got the call. It was malignant and I had another surgery in 6 weeks. It was Cancer. It wasn't out of me yet.
At 33 years old, I would be taking a pill to live... for the rest of my life.
I realized so many things about my family, myself and God. I knew that all my boys would support me. I knew that my time here wasn't over yet. I knew that my struggle had just begun and that my story would have a purpose. I knew that God let me go to the right people at the right time. I knew that He would carry me.
I was even more ready the next steps. The second surgery was better than the first. My scar came out better too. All I had to do was get ready for the Radiation and "the Diet". The pill wasn't bad at first for the first few weeks after. I was swollen and unable to put sentences together. The hair falling out wasn't something that I expected. GOSH, it was scary. I was reassured that once I was done and on the steady medicine that would stop.
The radiation was about 6 weeks after the last surgery. I was completely off the pill for just 12 days and not allowed to drive. Good thing! Without the medicine a person is unable to think clearly and react quickly. Oh and the ridiculous no food "real" thing. OMG, I thought no sugar was bad before this diet! I was not allowed egg yolks, molasses, iodine, soy, salt, dairy, or processed ANYTHING! I couldn't even put salad dressing on lettuce (Thankfully, I liked making my own everything).
I went for my pet scan, xray, and blood work, nothing hard there. The trace dose of radiation was easy too. The hard stuff started the Abolition day. I signed an agreement to stay away from people. I was to become radioactive, no I didn't glow in the dark or pop my own corn, darn! Somewhere along the line I was selected to have the Highest Low dose 100 mc of radioactive iodine 131 and YES, I had to have ALL the symptoms.
My husband drove me home while I sat in the back seat in a rain suit on a dry day! I got to spend the next 14 days in complete isolation. I had to flush twice and toss all utensils. After that awful diet I couldn't even enjoy a good sit down meal with my family for 2 weeks. I stayed in the cold basement with no human or animal contact. I showered when everyone left the house. I couldn't drive or tuck my kids in at night.
To say the least I was ready for a real hugs and love... not just cards from friends.